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Grilled Peach Salad Recipe

We're all about quick and delicious meals, so we're sharing this super delicious grilled peach salad perfect for lunch or a weeknight meal!


  • Arugula

  • Peaches

  • Mozzarella Balls

  • Ricotta (or Goat Cheese)

  • Olive Oil

  • Balsamic Glaze

  • Salt and Pepper

How To Make:

  1. In a separate bowl, slice your Mozzarella balls into halves, add olive oil, salt, and pepper to taste. Mix well.

  2. Then add your arugula to the bowl. We didn't use a separate bowl as we want the olive oil to get on the arugula.

  3. Sprinkle some ricotta over the salad.

  4. Now time to grill your peaches (you could do this first but we like the peaches warmed). It's easier to cut the peaches into halves. They'll only need a few minutes on the grill.

  5. Once the pieces are charred a bit (or cooked to your liking) add them on top of the salad.

  6. Drizzle some balsamic glaze over the salad.

  7. Enjoy!

Making this salad? Share it with us on Instagram @limorloves!

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