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Heart Shaped Caprese Salad

You don't have to go all out for Valentine's Day! Sometimes it's the little things that count the most. So grab your heart-shaped cookie cutter because we're sharing an easy recipe - Caprese Salad!

Things You'll Need:

  • Tomatoes

  • Basil Leaves

  • Mozzarella

  • Balsamic Glaze

  • Heart-shaped Cookie Cutter

How To Make:

  1. Slice your Tomatoes into small slices.

  2. Slice your Mozzarella into similar sized shapes.

  3. Using the heart-shaped cookie cutter, 'cut' the Mozzarella slices.

  4. Lay the Mozzarella, Basil, and Tomatoes down on a plate. Make sure they're in the same order, the Basil should always be in the middle.

  5. Once complete, drizzle with some Balsamic glaze.

  6. Serve and enjoy!

This recipe is a classic but sometimes a little heart-shaped anything can put a smile on anyones face, especially for Valentine's Day! Making this? Share it with us on Instagram @limorloves!

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